CAPS prepares for annual fundraising auction

Last Saturday, skateboarders, both young and “older,” attended an event on the grounds of the Atascadero Printery, hosted by the Atascadero Printery Foundation and Agua Caliente, a chapter of Questers.
The Questers organization was founded in 1944 by Jessie Elizabeth Bardens and has chapters in the United States and Canada. Of those in attendance, many had skated at Atascadero’s first skate park located next to the historic building on Olmeda Avenue. The park was named the George Beatie Skate Park in honor of George’s efforts to provide a place for kids to skate other than the sidewalks in the downtown area.
Members of the Quester’s north San Luis Obispo County chapter, under the leadership of Sheila New, organized a popular silent auction that brought in quite a few dollars that will benefit the restoration of the historic Printery building that suffered damage during the 2003 earthquake.
From the conversations I heard that day, it appeared that many people had fond memories of their “skating” days and were excited that the Skateboard Competition is now a part of the Olympics!
For more information about the Printery, visit To learn more about Questers, contact chapter president Karen MacLaurin at (806)712-0038.
The next big event being planned is a talent show that will also take place on the grounds of the Printery on Friday, Sept. 10, at 6 p.m.
If you think you have a talent worthy of competition, send a video to Brenda May by Aug. 30, or contact her at There’s a $25 entry fee to be in the show if you qualify.
The 1st place winner will receive $100, 2nd place will win $50, and 3rd place will receive $25.
More information to come. Mark your calendars now to see our local talent in action.
Next, I found a recipe for an Angel Food Cake with a cool frosting that would be the perfect ending to a summer meal. If you like almond and citrus flavors, you’re sure to like this simple offering.
Angel Food Cake with Citrus Frosting
1 purchased Angel Food Cake (or use your own recipe)
2 cups cream cheese
¾ cup powdered sugar sifted
Shredded zest of 2 limes and a little juice
¼ to ½ teaspoon almond extract
Green grapes and citrus zest for garnish
Beat the frosting ingredients using a minimal amount of the lime juice. Frost the cake all over and decorate with a citrus slice or a light sprinkle of lime zest that has been removed in long thin strips. Serve slices of cake with a few green grapes on the plate.
I was happy to see that CAPS (Committee for Atascadero Public Schools) is planning an event this year. It will be an Online Auction, Aug. 17 through 22. To register to bid, go to I hear they have some great auction items to bid on. Proceeds will benefit our district schools.
Have a great weekend.