It’s near impossible to run out of things to do here on the Central Coast. It’s Saturday morning and the boys were bouncing off the walls! With triple digits outside, we decided to take a drive to the coast… the long way. My husband was born and raised here and he loves to entertain our boys and share the stories of his adventurous childhood days. He has experienced every back road, creek and creepy cave along the way.
Driving west from Templeton, our long road trip began at Vineyard Drive. Soon after crossing over Highway 46, we enjoyed the endless winding country road surrounded with the most beautiful old barns, some of the best North County wineries nestled in between some of the oldest and majestic oak trees. On this beautiful drive, the country road is hugged by a wall constructed of limestone rocks pulled from the surrounding area. As we continue our journey, we pass Adelaida Road, how the historic Adelaide Cemetery got her name. Legend states never to leave your keys in your car or the residents of the cemetery will steal them, leaving you stranded. The ghost of the late, Charlotte Sitton (aka The Pink Lady), has been know to wander the cemetery every Friday night leaving flowers at her child’s grave. Lots more fascinating stories for around the campfire.
Aware that there is a creek running to the right of the road, we are all on the lookout for a spot to get our toes wet. As we drive over a loud wooden bridge we find the most perfect spot right underneath it. The water was cold and so refreshing! The boys found fish, small running creeks and a cluster of bright blue dragonflies. It felt as though we were in another land, but in reality we were so close to home.
As we neared the ocean we could see the temperature gauge rapidly dropping (97 … 80 … 73). We rolled down the window and could only hear the wind and the trees as we enjoyed the cool breeze hitting our faces. Then there it was, the ocean and a view that a picture could do no justice. Sweet Cambria, with its quaint local shops, antique stores and home of the fun and COOL Shamel Park.
As memories are being made, we are discovering new places, learning something new every day about the history in our very own backyard and visiting places “daddy” used to visit as a child. There is no better tour guide than he.
Taking the Back Roads with PopeX3, September 2018