
In response to the editorial regarding the Citizen of the Year, Terrie Banish. 

I want to offer another perspective on this topic. The purpose of a Chamber of Commerce is to support and promote local business. The mission of our Atascadero Chamber of Commerce is to empower our business community. I will attest that my business has directly benefited from Terrie’s extraordinary efforts over the past few years. We’ve rented out generators, sold equipment and propane to visitors from out of town that wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her efforts. To say she has gone above and beyond is an understatement. As a city employee, she is under constant pressure to do better than last time. Not only does she deliver, she contributes in many other ways, often giving her nights and weekends. Dancing on behalf of the library, bringing in over $10k, was not part of her job. Supporting parents for joy in its fundraisers and events was not part of her job. Donating and serving wine for various local non-profits is also not part of her job. She has more than proved herself as a citizen dedicated to serving our community as is very deserving of the award. 

Putting Atascadero on the map benefits a wide range of businesses and the community at large, and that’s exactly the type of achievement a chamber of commerce should be celebrating. 

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Geoff and Kate Auslen,
Atascadero, Ca