Dear Editor,
Open letter to Atascadero City Manager:
Mr. J. Lewis, I’m sure you are well aware that our lake is the heart of the city. All measures should be taken to keep it healthy, not only for the citizens but for the wonderful wildlife which makes its home here. A year or so ago, the city took over from Friends of the Lake the management of the underground water reservoir which is pumped into the lake to keep it healthy. Friends of the Lake was only too happy to cover the cost of the pumping. Since we had decent rainfalls the past two winters, that water, luckily, has not been needed.
However, that situation is rapidly changing. We have had only negligible rain this winter (under 3 inches), and the long-range forecast. shows No rainfall in the near future. It would be prudent to begin feeding water into the lake now to ensure its survival through the inevitably very hot summer. Can you please take care of this issue? It would be much appreciated by all of your
G. Strohl, Atascadero