‘The Beacon’ 

By Donn Clickard, Executive Director

Welcome to the first edition of “The Beacon,” the official newsletter of the Atascadero Greyhound Foundation (AGF). While some of the LIGHTHOUSE events were cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of the AGF continues with the amazing support of our community. Donations were received in the name of the LIGHTHOUSE 5K Fun Run, the Wayne Cooper Memorial Golf Tournament raised $23,000.00, and we received some significant donations from private citizens. We celebrated the Holiday Season with the arrival of our new book. 

Finally, the first Annual Review of the LIGHTHOUSE Programs has been developed. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current LIGHTHOUSE programs and highlights what we want to see for 2021, which also aligns with the Executive Board’s Strategic Action Plan.


We are excited and hopeful that our events scheduled for 2021 will be held now that it appears the pandemic is becoming a manageable situation. Vaccinations are happening; however, we still must remember that appropriate precautions need to be of the highest priority.

 LIGHTHOUSE Weapon of Rescue was released Christmas Eve, 2020. The book, written by Carol Gobler, reveals the awakening of Atascadero to our story of drug abuse by the children of our community. LIGHTHOUSE is about disaster, rescue, chaos, and peace. Its purpose is to provide safety, protection, and recovery through support and services.

 As the book progresses, it becomes apparent that the narrative could also act as a manual that others might follow to create a LIGHTHOUSE in any community. As this program becomes part of other communities, it will become apparent that the components of each program will look different from LIGHTHOUSE Atascadero. A program in another town will also involve amazing and unique teachers and school administrators.

Each town will count on amazing service clubs, city officials, and community leaders to bring light to the darkness that comes from drug abuse. The stories of parents whose losses are shared so vividly by Carol will be repeated, although in different detail by the parents in other towns.  

The Youth of Atascadero, Atascadero Greyhound Foundation, Atascadero Unified School District, City of Atascadero, in collaboration with our business community and service clubs, have worked together to create LIGHTHOUSE Atascadero.

Order your own copy from Amazon Books.com: LIGHTHOUSE WEAPON OF RESCUE by Carol Freed Gobler.

Thank you for your continued support during 2020, and remember, “THE LIGHT IS STILL ON”!

For more information on the Atascadero Greyhound Foundation, visit atascaderogreyhoundfoundation.org or email atascaderogreyhoundfoundation@gmail.com.