Last week when I composed my column, it was at least 112 degrees outside. Therefore, I thought it would be nice to include some “cool” drink recipes and a Lemon Sherbet recipe. My column deadline was Monday and I expected the weather was going to stay warm. Was I ever in for a shock! On Thursday, our paper delivery day, it was almost cold enough for a fire in the fireplace and I wore a fleece jacket all day. So much for predicting the weather!

I appreciate that Carrie Lovell, Public Relations and Media Chairman for El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR (National Society Daughters of the American Revolution), keeps me posted on celebrations regarding our country’s founding. This month the chapter is promoting Constitution Week, Sept. 17-23.
On Sept. 1, the chapter was presented a Constitution Week Proclamation from Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin and one from Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Curt Dubost and Liberty High School Principal Daniel Sharon.
“There are two documents of paramount importance to American history: the Declaration of Independence, which forged our national identity, and the United States Constitution, which set forth the framework for the federal government that functions to this day,” said DAR President General Denise Doring VanBuren.
The DAR initiated the observance in 1955 when the service organization petitioned the U.S. Congress to dedicate Sept. 17-23 of each year to the commemoration of Constitution Week. Congress adopted the resolution, and on Aug. 2, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into law. The celebration’s goals are threefold: to encourage the study of the historical events that led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787; to remind the public that the Constitution is the basis of America’s great heritage and the foundation for its way of life; and to emphasize U.S. citizens’ responsibility to protect, defend and preserve the U.S. Constitution.
El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR is an active chapter whose members honor their ancestors who fought for the nation’s independence. The chapter has been committed for over 70 years to volunteer service to better their local communities. DAR is one of the largest patriotic women’s organizations globally, with more than 185,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters across the country and in several foreign countries. Members promote historic preservation, education and patriotism via commemorative events, scholarships and educational initiatives, along with citizenship programs, service to veterans, and meaningful community service.
For additional information about the organization, visit
Remember to fly your American flag, participate in the elections, and above all, respect our country and the freedoms given to us by the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
A note from George Asdel, President of the Atascadero Art Association: “We have an opportunity to join the Open Studios Tour artists who live above the Grade in a “Pop-Up” art show at our weekly Farmers’ Market in the Sunken Gardens. This will be a safe-distance, masks-on event on Wednesday, Oct. 14, from 3 to 6:30 p.m.”
George invites you to call him at 805-305-6036 or Marie at 805-466-3684 if you are interested in participating in the show.
We have a wonderful, very talented group of artists here in our North County, so let’s support them however we can. Mark your calendar for this event. It’s outside, after all, and you can wear your mask and stay 6 feet away from anyone!
Enjoy the weekend.