Applications are available online and are due Friday, June 10

PASO ROBLES — The deadline to apply for the 2022 Junior Fair Board is Friday, June 10. Applications can be filled out and submitted online at

The California Mid-State Fair Junior Fair Board consists of people between 16 and 25 years of age living in San Luis Obispo County. Junior Fair Board members assist with the day-to-day operations of the annual California Mid-State Fair, including events such as the Diaper Derby and Tricycle Races. In addition, members help in the livestock area during weigh-in and auction day, act as ushers in the Main Grandstand, and obtain market research from fairgoers. Members can serve until their 25th birthday.

The California Mid-State Fair Junior Fair Board is a volunteer position that serves at the direction of the Board of Director’s Junior Fair Board Committee.

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The 2022 California Mid-State Fair runs July 20 through July 31 and this year’s theme is “Full Steam Ahead!”