The city held events every night through Halloween
by Christianna Marks and Camille DeVaul
ATASCADERO — The streets of Atascadero were filled with children and adults excited for Halloween this weekend. From fun at the Charles Paddock Zoo to Trick or Treat on Entrada, there was something for everyone who wanted to get their spooky fun on.
Over 1,000 people attended the Charles Paddock Zoo’s annual Zoo Boo on Saturday, Oct. 29. On top of all the animals, there was a haunted house, dancing, carnival games, and candy for the kiddos.
“There was a stream of people all evening long into the zoo,” said Deputy City Manager of Outreach, Promotions, and Events Terrie Banish.
The fun kept going on Sunday, Oct. 30, when Atascadero Bible Church, Legacy Church, Atascadero Gospel Chapel, and Father’s House teamed together to bring Atascadero its very first Trunk or Treat in the Sunken Gardens.
“This was a free event to the public. We had 60 cars, three bounce houses, and 10 carnival-type game booths. Large screen with fun games and music,” said ABC Kids Director Sandy Hesch.
She went on to say that the community turnout was so large that they ran out of candy twice and that they are already planning next year’s event.
“We would like to thank the city of Atascadero for working with us, and we would like to thank the families of Atascadero for spending the time with us,” added Hesch.
Halloween night, ghouls and monsters flooded the streets for the annual Trick or Treat on Entrada, hosted by The Downtown Business Improvement District Committee. Not only was candy given out, but there was a costume contest for everyone in the family (including pets), bounce houses, music, dancing, and a hay maze. Everyone had a rollicking time.
Downtown Paso Robles looked a little more like Halloweentown on Monday night when families came out in their best costumes for the Downtown Main Street Associations Safe and Fun Halloween.
Downtown merchants were ready for the fun with plenty of candy to hand out, and in the center of the park, the Downtown Witches were ready for their close-up at the photo booth, accompanied by some spooky tunes.
Streets were closed off to cars from 11th to 13th Street, offering a safe and exciting return of Halloween to Downtown Paso Robles. After disappearing for a few years, it was evident that everyone was ready to bring Halloween downtown.
Families participated in the night together with group-themed costumes, including the Sanderson Sisters from “Hocus Pocus,” and characters from “Ghostbusters,” “Peter Pan,” “Toy Story,” “Mario Cart,” and more.
One trick-or-treater showed off her intricately made costume. She told Paso Robles Press/Atascadero News that each year she makes her Halloween costume, not sparing any detail. This year her costume was complete with feathered wings and a rather terrifying mask — very appropriate for the night.
In Templeton, trick-or-treaters hit Main Street for some candy at the local businesses. In small-town fashion, little trick-or-treaters take the street (sidewalks) around 3 p.m. every Halloween for some fun and sweets.
Which costume was your favorite? Did you get your most desired candy? We hope you had a fun and memorable Halloween this year.
Photos by Hayley Mattson / ATN