Talent Show to Benefit Atascadero Printery Foundation
ATASCADERO — In collaboration with the Atascadero Printery, the Atascadero Performing Arts Center is holding a talent show fundraiser to benefit the Printery refurbishment.
The talent show is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 10, at 6351 Olmeda, in Atascadero. Admission to the event is $10. All proceeds benefit the Atascadero Printery.
Contestants can win by entering a video or information to Brenda May by Aug. 30, at dbmjmay@aol.com.
The Entry Fee is $25.00. The first prize is $100.00, the second prize is $50.00, and the third prize is $25.00.
The evening will be a fun-filled night of Talent—fine Wine, best Beer, and sumptuous Hors D’oeuvres available for purchase.
The Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee (APACC) is a group of dedicated citizens who support and believe in the importance of the performing arts. Our mission is to provide a permanent, joint-use facility where the youth and adults of our community may express and experience live performances. We will plan, build, and sustain a center for the performing arts in Atascadero through our vision and commitment.