It’s time to bundle up, grab your family and friends and join in on some good ‘ol Santa Margarita holiday fun! Jump in on the Home and Business Decorating Contest to be judged by December 8 and mark your calendars for these upcoming events to let the spirit of the season carry you away!

Sunday, December 1 at 5 p.m., gather your loved ones and put on your scarves, hats and mittens for the Annual Tree Lighting in the Santa Margarita Community Park. There’s no better way to get into the Christmas Spirit than with friends and neighbors for this festive occasion. This event, sponsored by the Santa Margarita Village Association, includes caroling and a tree lighting, with hot chocolate, cider and cookies, provided by the Santa Margarita Community Church, followed by continued caroling through the neighborhoods and ending up at the Santa Margarita Community Hall for a free and delicious hot soup and roll dinner provided by the local Lion’s Club.

Friday, December 6 from 5 to 8 p.m. is the third annual Sip & Shop in downtown Santa Margarita. This adult evening out includes wine tasting, snacks, sales, and extended shopping hours with a festive holiday atmosphere hosted by The Barn Antiques and Unique, Home *Santa Margarita*, Casa Loma Rustic Furnishings and other participating downtown businesses. A  fabulous local gift basket will be raffled off with ticket sales and donations from the evening going to benefit The Friends of the  Santa Margarita Library.

On Saturday, December 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., skip the big box stores and rush on over to the Friends of the Santa Margarita Library Craft Faire and Bake Sale, located at the Santa Margarita Community Hall, 22501 “I” Street, to find those perfect, hand made, one of a kind items. This annual event features modern and traditional crafts made by the local creative community along with some delicious holiday baked goods. Hot foods and drinks will be available for purchase throughout the day with all event proceeds benefiting The Friends of the Santa Margarita Library.

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On Saturday, December 14, from 5 to 8 p.m., join the fun of the 2nd annual Santa Margarita Holiday Stroll along El Camino Real in downtown Santa Margarita. This family-friendly event is rapidly becoming one of the most anticipated of the season. Organized by the Santa Margarita Beautiful Association, you are invited to “stroll through the sparkling downtown” and visit participating businesses which will be open late,  providing an extra dose of holiday cheer. Serenaded by carolers along the way, you will find sales, hot cider, hot chocolate, cookies, craft activities and more. This year stop by the towns newest business additions, J’s Country Kitchen (next door to HOME) and Caliwala Market and Deli (previous Dunbar location) to see what they’ve got going on. Don’t forget the magical walk to Santa’s House at The Educated Gardener where the announcement of this year’s home and business decorating contest will also be announced at 7 p.m.