Trumpet chamber music, ranging from classical to Latin, to be performed by local musicians on May 21

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — Cuesta College Community Programs presents “Sunday Soundings,” featuring the 20-member San Luis Obispo County Trumpet Alliance, on Sunday, May 21. The concert will be held at the Atascadero Lake Bandstand. Free coffee and donuts will be provided.

It is a morning performance from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The concert will feature a varied selection of trumpet chamber music from classical, latin, and a few selections of music from Great Britain.

Formed in 2011, the Trumpet Alliance promotes the rehearsal and performance of trumpet chamber music. This advanced group is comprised of local musicians who are educators, business professionals, and retirees. Admission to group is by invitation and/or audition. The group is co-directed by Warren Balfour and Lyle Stubson.

Trumpet Alliance members include Darren Mulder, Steve Vines, Rich Smucker, Jess Hostetter, Don Lopez, Mike Juner, Kevin Wilde, Dane Jones, Gabe Olivo, Bob Sando, Grisha Dekhtyar, and Sam Emard. Playing bass trumpets are David Pedersen, Sonny Galvan, James Gruver, Carlos Gama, and Matt Borin.

Mellophones consist of Betsy Larson, Len Kawamoto, Nick Waldron, and Alicia Doyle. Percussion section includes Ray Ayala, Gus Stork, Sean Collins, and Tyler Mason.

Music by the following composers will be performed: Kevin Kaisershot, James Olcott, David Marlatt, Gavin Somerset, Brian Balmages, Leroy Anderson, Philip Sparke, Ran-dal Standridge, and Jamie Texidor.

The San Luis Obispo County Trumpet Alliance is part of Cuesta College Community Programs, which provides a comprehensive source for life-long learning, vocational education, recreational opportunities and cultural development.