Will begin August 8 at Paloma Park.

The event will have 50 spaces available. Interested families can reserve a space online at My805tickets, beginning on July 24. The first three movies that will be playing are “Frozen 2,” followed by “Onward” on Aug. 15 and “Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker” on Aug. 22. The fourth and final movie has yet to be decided.

The venue will open at 8 p.m. and the movies will run until approximately 10 p.m. Those wanting to attend will want to have their radio’s ready as announcements, and the movie audio will come through your speakers at 103.9 FM.

Movies in the Park
Atascadero Changes Movies In The Park To Drive-In

“What we are trying to do here at the city with our recreation team is to take events that we know that we can bring to people virtually,” Atascadero Deputy City Manager Terrie Banish said. “Give them something to look forward to and give families something to do during these very unprecedented times.”

The movies will be free as always, but spaces will still need to be reserved online to hold your spot. Viewers are encouraged to back their vehicles into spots and transform their cars into a comfy place. Moviegoers will also be able to purchase various snacks from vendors such as Paradise Shaved Ice.

For more information or to view Atascadero’s community calendar, go to visitatascadero.com and click the events tab.

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