On Dec. 4, the Atascadero Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation gave a generous donation of $500 to the local San Luis Obispo Food Bank to support the local community during the holidays.

They teamed up with KSBY’s Season of Hope located at the Atascadero Fire Station, where they were able to present a check to Kevin Drabinski, Chief Executive Officer of the San Luis Obispo Food Bank.

The Atascadero Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is involved in the Central Coast Community, with activities like its annual Conservation Banquet, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Women’s Pheasant Hunt and Junior Pheasant Hunts, a youth fishing day — now called the “Dave McNamara Fishing Day,” an outreach booth at the California Mid-State Fair, and the Women in the Outdoors weekend at the Lazy Arrow Adventures in Santa Margarita.

The group enjoys educating local youth and women on the importance of wildlife and outdoors. The chapter meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Atascadero Elks Lodge. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Photo courtesy of Atascadero Chapter of National Wild Turkey Federation