Highest-ranked online and print news, information, and entertainment in the region

The Atascadero News and The Paso Robles Press offer the widest range of powerful advertising opportunity in San Luis Obispo County. Between the two newspapers, the coverage blankets North SLO County and countywide topics that made our online sites the highest-ranked by traffic metrics.

With more than 6,000 copies of weekly newspapers circulated as a physical presence in the community, delivering tradition, information, connection, and communion to the community in the good times and the hard times.

The weekly newspapers are backed up by the most powerful print publications in North SLO County — Paso Robles Magazine and Colony Magazine. Two magazines bring the best of the community by direct mail of 45,000 copies to every deliverable address in eight North SLO County cities and towns.

Our family of publications cover the entire community, with coverage specific to all manners of lifestyle, business, people organizations, government, education, and nonprofits. With the wide variety of information we deliver, it is no wonder we top the charts in online traffic, but it is our print delivery that sets us apart. No company prints and delivers the quality and quantity we do on the Central Coast.

Mid State Roofing Ad

Our publications hit a sweet spot in a special culture. It’s a family-owned operation, in a family-values community based on trust.

Our advertising goes the distance in delivering results, community-wide.