Follow these tips to increase safety in our community
ATASCADERO — Weather forecasts predict a significant rainstorm event within the next 24-48 hours, with the potential for heavy winds and rain. City crews are working hard to prepare storm drains, roadways, and City facilities for the rainstorm. Residents are being advised to take extra care while driving, and to watch for flooded streets, as well as, for possible downed limbs and trees.
Flooding and downed limbs or trees in the streets may be reported by calling the City’s Public Works Department during regular weekday business hours at (805) 470-3148; or Police Dispatch at (805) 461-5051 outside regular business hours. Residents should always call 911 if the situation is an emergency, such as a blocked road or downed power line.
Be ready for possible storm related power outages by checking flashlight batteries and making sure to have plenty of non-perishable food and water on hand.
If a property owner has a culvert, drain pipe, drain inlet, etc. on their property, please clear and dispose any material (leaves, sand and other debris) that would impede the flow of storm water. This includes drainage facilities underneath private driveways. While removing the material, avoid blowing or moving the material into the street. This material can block the storm drain system and increases the risk of localized flooding. By removing the material prior to the rainstorm, property owners help improve safety on our roadways. Please continue to monitor the area throughout the winter months to prevent any future issues.
To help alleviate possible residential flooding situations, sandbags may be purchased at local hardware stores such as Miner’s and Home Depot; sand to fill your own sandbags is available at Fire Station #1, located on the corner of Lewis Avenue and Traffic Way, but be sure to bring a shovel.
If you must travel in the wet weather, the Atascadero Police Department advises extra caution. Remember that roadways may be extra slick with any rainfall. The physics of hydroplaning happen regardless how new your vehicle or tires may be.
If your vehicle feels light and starts to hydroplane, ease off the accelerator, slow down gradually and maintain steering control without making any sudden turning movements. Inevitably, your visibility and reaction times will be reduced because of water on the windscreen, reflections off the roadway, and low light conditions. Be sure to turn on your headlights, slow down, increase your stopping distance and leave twice as much space as normally required between you and the car ahead.