Atascadero Kiwanis and Rotary members finish fence during trying times

In this time of community challenges, so much of the community joy relies on making plans for when the coronavirus has been overcome and life can resume.

The Atascadero Kiwanis and Rotary Club put their community spirit together to ensure that Joy Playground was ready for the kids when it safe to resume person-to-person contact and interaction. The groups put together more than 500 feet of fencing around Joy Playground, which is necessary for the all-inclusive play area as it serves children with special needs.

Children with autism are prone to eloping, and wandering off un-noticed, so the fence around Joy Playground allows children to play independently, giving parents the security they need to relax and allow their children to play with lighter attention than is normally possible on most playgrounds.

Battling the recent rain and social distancing recommendations, the community worked to ensure that when the time came to resume public activity without fears of COVID-19, they can enjoy the only all-inclusive playground in the county.

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