A fundraiser is scheduled for Oct. 14 to raise proceeds for her traveling expenses to receive treatment
NORTH COUNTY — Two years ago, Kyndal and her mother Raquel Gottfried received devastating news in which it was discovered that Kyndal had medulloblastoma, the most common malignant tumor found in children. Now, at 7 years old, Kyndal continues her fight against the cancer that keeps returning. Last week, Kyndal and Raquel arrived in Georgia to receive a new type of treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Georgia in Augusta.
This will be Kyndal’s third round of treatment for the cancer, which had returned. In March of this year, it was confirmed by the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles that some masses discovered on Kyndal’s brain were cancerous. Surgery was conducted and Kyndal began another round of chemo. Unfortunately, Kyndal did not respond to the chemo, and doctors informed the family that options were running out. However, this ignited even more determination in Raquel to fight for Kyndal’s life. After conducting research, Raquel made a decision to apply for Kyndal to have treatment in a clinical trial at the Children’s Hospital of Georgia (CHOG).

Raquel told Atascadero News that treatment at the CHOG was the least invasive trial available in the U.S. for pediatric medulloblastoma. While Kyndal begins treatment at CHOG, she and Raquel will live in Augusta for two to four weeks. Then depending on how Kyndal reacts to treatment, she and her mom will fly back to Augusta to receive treatment at CHOG once a month for about the next two years.
The great news is that Kyndal has been able to attend school in person, with some flexibility, giving her some normalcy says Raquel. In July, the Gottfried family was given an opportunity to visit O’ahu and Maui thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Parker Project Foundation who sponsored the trip. The unforgettable adventure included swimming with fish, sharks, and dolphins, and, of course, a Hawaiian-style luau.
Since Kyndal’s first diagnosis, the community has rallied behind the mother and daughter in her fight against cancer. That support has remained steadfast and in October, the first of many new fundraisers is planned.
A Drive-Thru BBQ Dinner will be held at the Atascadero Elks Lodge on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 2 to 5 p.m. The event includes raffle prizes and a Buy-It-Now Auction. Sponsorship opportunities include event, placemat, and flight sponsor levels. Proceeds from this fundraiser will directly fund Kyndal and Raquel’s travel expenses for the next two years. Another option for donations is to donate airline miles. To contribute miles, visit the provided link and use their AAadvantage numbers: Raquel Gottfried (E7HP272) and Kyndal Gottfried (U3JP270), with the email address flight2fight@yahoo.com.
Raquel tells Paso Robles Press/Atascadero News about her appreciation for the community’s support in Kyndal’s fight against cancer, “I am [thankful] to have the family, friends, and community that we have. No matter how far we are from home, we always feel supported. Kyndal and I aren’t doing this alone and I thank God for surrounding us with a community that is carrying us through this journey.”
For more information on the fundraiser, visit flight-2-fight.perfectgolfevent.com. A GoFundMe page for Kyndal can be found at gofund.me/4d7584ec
Feature Image: Kyndal Gottfried is shown in front of Children’s Hospital of Georgia, where she has begun her cancer treatment. Contributed Photo