The County of San Luis Obispo will re-attest it is ready to reopen certain segments of the community given new Stage 2 criteria from the State of California.

On Sunday, the State provided County officials with specific criteria that focuses on (1) ensuring low or stable hospitalization rates of COVID-19 cases, and (2) the rate of positive cases per 100,000 population.

“It’s clear that the State heard us,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. “The State issued two new criteria that are better indicators of current transmission trends, and both of those criteria work in our favor.”

A county that has met certain State criteria in containing COVID-19 can increase the pace at which they advance through Stage 2 of California’s Resilience Roadmap for reopening. As of this morning, 23 counties meet the State’s criteria to move faster through Stage 2. Dr. Borenstein says San Luis Obispo County meets the new criteria and plans to fill out a new State form attesting to the County’s readiness to reopen.

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“This week, we will again attest to the State that we are ready to adapt and reopen under this new criteria,” Dr. Borenstein said. “This means that we should soon get approval to move forward with in-store retail shopping and dine-in restaurants. Retailers and restaurants should prepare now by reviewing State-required public health precautions for their industry.”

Tomorrow, the County Board of Supervisors will review the new attestation and then Dr. Borenstein will submit it to the State for review. It is unclear when the State will a make determination, but County officials believe it will be this week.

Local businesses can find State criteria for reopening based on their specific industry by visiting