May 15 thru 20 proclaimed Classified Employee Appreciation Week

ATASCADERO — Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) met for their regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, May 17, at 7 p.m. following their 6 p.m. Closed Session.

The board meeting started with Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Curt Eichperger giving recognition to the 2022 AUSD Retirees. A total of 19 teachers and classified staff were thanked for their years of service spanning two to 38 years with the district. 

“Tonight we have a very special evening. We have a graduating class of staff for the year 2021-2022,” said Eichperger. “The years of experience that these staff members have provided to our students, to support other staff, and ultimately to make sure this district is a better place is beyond measure. The years don’t do justice to the amount of heart, teamwork, respect, integrity, and excellence that these educators and classified employees provided to our district.” 

The May 3 minutes and Consent Calendar passed unanimously after Trustee Tami Gunther pulled the donations to announce them.

Atascadero Middle School (AMS) was given $2,800 by the AMS PTO, and Home Depot of Atascadero donated $300 worth of plants to San Gabriel Elementary School.

Superintendent Tom Butler addressed the board on an extra Board of Trustees Workshop on June 14 in conjunction with the regularly scheduled board meeting. 

“It would provide us with an additional hour to discuss facilities, future planning, as well as different funding sources,” added Butler. 

The meeting will take place at 5 p.m. immediately following the board meeting on June 14. 

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Jackie Martin came to the board with three items. Including a name change of the job title from network coordinator to technology coordinator on the Confidential Supervisory Salary Schedule. And adding an assistant director of student intervention services. 

Martin also addressed the board on a new Salary Schedule Placement for daily and hourly employees that will go into effect on July 1 of this year.

“Our other one [salary schedule] is set to expire on June 30. That would bring the substitute rates back down to $125 per day and $140. So our recommendation is to do $180 per day, and long-term subs $200,” said Martin.

The three items passed unanimously. 

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services E.J. Rossi then gave a presentation on the Extended Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP), which provides additional after-school and summer learning opportunities for students grades kindergarten thru sixth. 

The ELOP Grant Plan was approved unanimously.

Colleen Madson, the director of curriculum, gave a presentation on Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK).

“The state has a legislation to ensure that every 4-year-old is in an educational program by the 2024-2025 school year,” stated Madson. “What I’m presenting to you today is our CDE required compliance document.”

The motion passed unanimously.

Eichperger was back with a resolution proclaiming May 15 through 20 as Classified Employee Appreciation Week.

“So this resolution is cementing the commitment to recognizing our staff and the good work that they do,” added Eichperger.

The Atascadero Unified School District’s next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 7, at 7 p.m.