After two decades of reporting failing grades for missing Cal Poly student Kristin Smart, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has removed the failing grades from her transcripts, bringing some honor to the missing person case.

A petition called for the amendment of her transcripts “to reflect her legacy honorably.”

From petition:

Kristin Denise Smart vanished May 25th, 1996.  She was a 19-year-old freshman when she vanished on the campus of California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo  after last being seen with Paul Flores on the campus. 

California Polytechnic State University final grades reflect all F’s and one Incomplete for the quarter, after not showing up for her FINALS. Apparently being abducted is not a good enough reason to miss class. 

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  •  We are asking that the governing body at California Polytechnic State University amend her transcripts to reflect her legacy honorably. 

The petition garnered more than 4,000 signatures and was reported to KCOY TV 12 to have been a part of the decision by Cal Poly to change the transcripts to reflect withdrawn status.

The resurgence of attention on the Kristin Smart case, including the Chris Lambert podcast, is credited for positive activity regarding outstanding issues surrounding the case, but Kristin remains missing and closure on the case has yet to be found for the family.