The second-hand retail storefronts in SLO County still closed to donations

With many sheltering at home, people are cleaning out their closets and garages, so Goodwill Industries is cautioning people not to drop off their unwanted items at local Goodwill stores.

All Goodwill Central Coast stores and donation centers are still closed, so Goodwill officials are asking the community not to leave donations at closed donation sites. Leaving donations at closed stores and centers will cause them to be damaged.

Goodwill has a wide network of stores and donation centers on the Central Coast that will begin operations as soon as the state and counties allow. As soon as there is an opening date, everyone will be notified. The best way to be notified is to sign up for email announcements on the Goodwill website at

Career connection services and virtual training are available through Goodwill Central Coast’s website at and Facebook page at

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