From the Land Conservancy of SLO County:

To our SLO County Family, 

It is with careful consideration and the health of our entire community in mind that we have made the difficult decision to close the Pismo Preserve until further notice. The Land Conservancy has determined that due to the design of the trails, constraints of the parking lot and restrooms, and the numbers of visitors we have seen in the last few days, the Pismo Preserve does not provide adequate opportunity for social distancing. We have worked closely with County and City of Pismo leadership and they support our decision. I understand the community’s need to stay active and get outside and realize that this will be disappointing news to many.

The Pismo Preserve has been a wildly popular trail since we opened in January, providing recreation and beautiful views to an area of the County that had limited access to upland trails before. I hope you will continue to get your exercise in a manner that is considerate of your own health, and that of friends and strangers alike. A walk around your block, or a bike ride through your neighborhood are still great ways to get your blood pumping and keep your body and mind healthy. Rest assured – we aren’t going anywhere.

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The Pismo Preserve has been conserved in perpetuity and the trails will still be here when these literal and figurative storms pass. Our team will continue to monitor the news and recommendations regarding COVID-19 closely and will reopen the Pismo Preserve when it is safe to do so, likely when the Shelter at Home orders are lifted. In the meantime, our team is still working on important restoration and conservation work throughout the county.

We will continue to update you on exciting new conservation on the horizon, and more ways we can explore the trails with you through social media and video streaming. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are monitoring email and answering the phones (and if we don’t answer, leave a voicemail and we will return your call within 24 hours on weekdays). 

Thank you for your cooperation and for staying off the trails as we all work through this together. We will continue to put the health of our lands, wildlife and people first. 

Stay well,

Kaila Dettman
Executive Director of The Land Conservancy of SLO County