Santa Margarita has the necessary ingredients for a healthy life

The holidays have ended and New Years celebrations have come and gone, so, how are those resolutions going? Did you make any? It’s okay if you didn’t, no judgments here, but doing a quick Google search for the top New Year’s Resolutions, it’s no surprise to find that “getting more exercise” took the top spot followed closely by “improving finances” and “eating healthier”. Us Margaritians (or visitors) have something working in our favor by simply being here and having the power of location on our side.

It’s easy to be active here in Santa Margarita due to the towns small size and location of key elements, such as the Santa Margarita Elementary School, Senior Center, Post Office, and Library, along with a good mix of shopping, dining, entertainment, even fitness classes and close proximity to Santa Margarita Lake.

Everything in town is just a short walk or bike ride away and by making the very simple choice to leave your car home you are already on the way to not only getting more exercise and fresh air but saving money as well! The streets of Santa Margarita (with the exception of El Camino Real and the occasional side street speeder) are generally pretty quiet traffic wise, making it quite pleasant to walk or bicycle around town. Basically, you can get anywhere in town within a distance of one mile or less with the farthest travel of only 1.2 miles from Wilhelmina Ave. up to the Santa Margarita Elementary School. As an extra bonus, Santa Margarita does have mixed terrain allowing for an easy, flat ride or walk, up to some slightly more strenuous hill climbs depending on your route or direction. Easy peasy! Hop on a bike, leash up the dog, put the baby in the stroller, grab a friend or just your pair of sneakers to head out around town or to the destination of your choice. Leave the car behind, it’s just a quick jaunt to meet up for a playdate at the park, pick up a book from the library, coffee at The Porch Cafe, lunch at the Senior Center, a glass of wine at Ancient Peaks, dinner at Rosalina’s or ?

If you feel the need or are interested in more directed activity and want to increase your flexibility, focus, balance and strength you can join in on a newly offered yoga class.

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Local resident Makena Andros is a registered yoga teacher with a 200 hour certification from Yoga Alliance currently teaching at various studios around the county and now offering several classes per week here in Santa Margarita. Seeing interest for a yoga class and the availability of renting out space from the Santa Margarita Senior Center drop in classes began in December with the offering of both Slow Flow and Active Flow classes. Both classes are designed for all levels and all ages and participants are asked to wear flexible clothing and to bring their own yoga mats for now. (Makena hopes to build up a stock of extra mats, equipment and props for future class use). 

Depending on what you’re looking for, you have the choice to attend one or both classes. The main focus of the Slow Flow class is gentle deep stretching along with developing improved balance and flexibility and will include some optional strengthening. You might want to bring a towel for the Active Flow class which is designed for the participants to build heat in the body. Moving through a series of challenging dynamic movements and static holds can cause you to break into a detoxifying sweat while improving your strength, flexibility and balance. Makena says for both classes she will always offer multiple versions of each pose for individuals to choose their own level of challenge or intensity depending on their own experience and abilities.

Yoga classes are offered by suggested donation of $10 per class going towards facility rental, teacher and additional equipment purchases. Classes are held twice per week, Monday evenings at 6PM for the Slow Flow class and Wednesday mornings at 7AM for the Active Flow Class. Both classes are held at the Santa Margarita Senior Center, 2210 H St. (next to the Santa Margarita Park) with the possibility of additional classes in the future.