SAN LUIS OBISPO — On Jan. 26, Investigators from the San Luis Obispo County Counter Human Trafficking Team (which is comprised of an investigator from the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office and a detective and sergeant from the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office), California Highway Patrol/ Coastal Division, and the FBI were answering online sex ads as part of the statewide effort to curb human sex trafficking under the umbrella of Operation Reclaim and Rebuild.

Detectives answered a sex ad in which the female appeared to be very young, likely under the age of 18.

Ultimately, a “date” was arranged, and the female subject from the photographs in the sex ad showed up.

According to the Sheriff, the female was detained, and after significant investigation, it was determined that she was a 15-year-old at-risk missing juvenile out of Nevada.

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Additionally, investigators identified a male subject that was in the area and, based upon his behavior, believed to be a possible trafficker of the 15-year-old.

Investigators were ultimately able to contact the subject after he attempted to flee the area once he realized he was being surveilled by law enforcement.

The Sheriff states that the subject was identified and tied to the 15-year-old victim at the scene. However, probable cause for his arrest did not exist at the time of the contact, so he was released.

A subsequent investigation of evidence gathered has shown that the subject was, in fact, trafficking the 15-year-old, and a warrant/criminal filing will be sought for the trafficker(s).

Victim services were provided by the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office, Victim Advocate.

The Counter Human Trafficking Team wishes to acknowledge the support and assistance in this case from the non-profit organization DeliverFund.