The Wall that Heals will be appearing at Madonna Meadows from Thursday, March 16, thru Sunday, March 19

NORTH COUNTY — The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors met for a special meeting on Friday, Jan. 13. 

The meeting started with District 1 Supervisor and Chairperson John Peschong giving District 2 Supervisor Bruce Gibson an appreciation of services as chairperson for the past year of 2022.

Scotty Jalbert, the director of emergency operations in San Luis Obispo County, gave a report on the weather and storms that took place earlier in the week. He provided information on the whole county at the time of the meeting.

“Right now, we are transitioning from the response to recovery, and we’re very active with that, trying to line up assistance for our citizens,” stated Jalbert.

John Diodati also addressed the supervisors on the weather emergency SLO County is going through.

“Just for some statistics to share with you: Our operations center in public works has received 1,144 calls. We’ve had 60 road closures, and we’ve been able to open up 13. We still have 10 closures that have stranded residents behind them, and we’re prioritizing the fixes on those,” stated Diodati.

He also stated that they were clearing bridges and culverts, and they also mobilized four engineering teams for bridge inspections.

The supervisors thanked both Jalbert and Diodati for their work and their department’s work during the storms.

There was no public comment on the consent agenda.

District 5 and Vice Chairperson Debbie Arnold pulled resolution 9 out of the consent agenda to congratulate the Atascadero High School football team on its state championship win.

“Item number 9 on our consent agenda is a resolution recognizing the Atascadero High School Greyhound football team on their victorious win of the 2022 California State CIF Football Championship,” Arnold said. “I brought that up several times as they were playing through the playoffs, but they did it. They’re state champions in our county, so that was pretty exciting. The resolution will be up at the high school if anybody wants to take a look.”

The consent agenda passed unanimously.

Supervisor Arnold then gave a presentation on item 27, a resolution proclaiming the month of January 2023 San Luis Obispo County Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

“Now be it resolved and ordered that the board of supervisors in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, does hereby designate January 2023 as San Luis Obispo County Human Trafficking Awareness Month and urges all citizens to observe this month by becoming aware of the tragedy of human trafficking by supporting those who are working towards its end and by participating in community awareness efforts,” added Arnold.

Assistant District Attorney Eric Dobroth accepted the resolution and thanked the supervisiory board.

“San Luis Obispo County is a natural corridor for human trafficking activity, being situated uniquely between Los Angles and the Bay Area,” Dobroth said. “We’re a destination spot for vacationers. Wherever there’s tourism, there’s an increased potential for sex trafficking. And we are fortunate to live in a community that’s committed to identifying and tackling the scourge that is human trafficking.”

Morgan Boyd, department head and veteran services officer for the county, addressed the board on item 28, a Presentation of The Wall that Heals. The Wall that Heals is Vietnam Veterans Memorial replica and mobile educational center. The wall will be appearing in San Luis Obispo County from Thursday, March 16, through Sunday, March 19, at the Madonna Meadows.

“We’re really proud to announce that the escort for the wall will start at the San Miguel Mission and will come through our North County,” stated Boyd.

To find out more, go to and check out their events.

The next supervisor’s meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 9 a.m.