In December 2018, policy analysis for California Education (PACE) released a report entitled, “Where California High School Students Attend College.” The report was followed this summer with the CDE release of California’s College Going Rate which looks at 2017-18 data. This information is helpful for a better understanding of how many of our students are attending college and where they are attending. 

SLO County Data

A review of SLO County Data shows that our college-going rate is 66.9% (inclusive of all students) which is a bit higher than the State rate of 65.8%. Filtering the data by our more vulnerable student groups shows that 32.4% of English Learners, 46.9% of Students with Disabilities, and 55.2% of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged students enrolled in college.

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The report highlights how Community Colleges play an important role in these numbers. In 2017-18, more than 35% of all California high school completers enrolled in a community college. 

In SLO County, 42% of high school completers enrolled in college. Of those high school completers who did enroll in college, 62% enrolled in a community college, while 38% enrolled in four-year colleges. 

A college degree provides an earnings premium and thus continues to be an important consideration for educational systems. The total enrollment at colleges continues to increase in California (13% between 2006 and 2018). 

Districts and high school counselors throughout the county spend time and resources supporting students as they explore their college and career interests. 

One local event that supports this effort is the San Luis Obispo County College Night, funded by the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust in partnership with The Community Foundation, Cuesta College, and SLOCOE. On Monday, Oct. 28, from 5-8 p.m. at Cuesta College (SLO Campus), students will have an opportunity to visit with representatives from over 60 college campuses from around the U.S., attend workshops focused on successful college preparation, and discover the prospects of continuing education.

We invite you to share this event with the students in your circle of influence and encourage them to attend.

Dan Peverini is Executive Director, Educational Support Services, San Luis Obispo County Office of Education