Briltz addresses requests for reservations of the community center

TEMPLETON — Templeton Community Services District (TCSD) Board of Directors met on Tuesday, Apr. 20, for a regularly scheduled meeting. 

The meeting opened with the reading of the consent agenda. Director Pam Jardini requested to pull item C, Ordinance 2021-2 Municode, for discussion, where some of the language was clarified before approving. Director Geoff English inquired about when the ordinances would be published, which was determined to be May 20, as it takes 30 days from approval to go into effect.

Item F, removal of the Colorado Blue Spruce, was pulled for discussion by a member of the public, Nanette. The now diseased tree was planted in honor of a young girl who passed away in 1996. General Manager Jeff Briltz, who had recently spoken with the mother of the deceased, ensured that she understood that the tree had to be removed and that the mother requested that whatever was planted there be well maintained, as well as the plaque that is there.

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The Templeton Fire Chief, Tom Peterson, has discussed options with a landscape architect and believes they have found a plant that will do well in that particular area.

No further information was given or discussed about the young girl who passed out of sensitivity to the family. 

With acknowledgment to the family and keeping the space as a memorial, the motion to remove the current tree passed 5-0.

Item I, Budget Amendment – Automated External Defibrillator And Hose Nozzles – Fire, was pulled for discussion by Navid Fardanesh. After first thanking Chief Peterson and his staff for applying for and securing a grant for supplies, Fardanesh inquired about the processes in place for purchases for the Fire Department to ensure that the team could secure the things they need in a timely manner without waiting weeks for approval. Briltz responded, confirming that while some purchases wait until budget approval is passed, any necessary items are purchased immediately, and if not approved, funding would be allocated from other sources. The budget amendment was passed 5-0.

Briltz then addressed the COVID update, which has been five weeks since the last update. Youth sporting events were approved to 20 percent occupancy in early April, and signs have been posted on the bleachers to let spectators know of the maximum limits. The rest of the park is not subject to the 20 percent but rather maintains the social distancing norms. 

Requests have begun coming in for the community center, and the new guidelines for such events are to keep events under 100 participants, no buffet-style dining, seating must be assigned, social distancing must be observed, and participants must show proof of all vaccinations or a negative COVID test within three days of the event. Based on these guidelines, the General Manager feels that most will choose to hold their events elsewhere until guidelines become looser.

The guidelines that Briltz was referring to was an update from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on Apr. 13 that added an addendum to the Activity & Business Tiers Chart. This was done in order to provide businesses with opportunities to adopt higher capacities by increasing capacity limits in facilities or sections of facilities where all guests have been tested or are fully vaccinated.

However, according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), Privacy Rule, a Federal law, gives a person the rights over their own personal health information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive private health information. The Privacy Rule applies to all forms of individuals’ protected health information, whether electronic, written, or oral. 

In addition, the HIPPA Privacy Rule and federal civil rights laws protect Americans’ fundamental health rights against discrimination or violation. 

As of today, neither Governor Gavin Newsom nor the CDPH explained how local businesses, their personnel, or facilities would acquire personal health information from individuals. 

No mention of the current HIPPA laws were addressed by the Board or the General Manager.  

Currently, Concerts in the Park have not been approved, and while TCSD is hopeful of getting it running with a modified program and a late start, it is still not confirmed that it will be able to take place this summer.

Next, the District discussed the District Code Modifications to get approval for submission. The General Manager welcomed the Directors to submit any other changes, typos, or clarifications they came across. 

The General Managers report highlighted the upcoming Clutter to Cash event, which currently has 137 registered households, which is believed to be the highest number of participants to date. 

The next meeting will be held on May 4, and tentative meeting items are currently

  • strategic priority review
  • Minor update regarding water buffer policy
  • 2021 water supply and well depth

The links to the meeting can be found on the District’s website.