TEMPLETON — Templeton Community Services District’s Recreation Department announced they are offering a four-week youth flag football program beginning Feb. 22 through Mar. 19.

Youth in Grades K-8 will learn skills and drills with an emphasis on fun in a purely non-contact setting. Players will be assigned to PODs (player group) that will stay together the entire play season. PODS may be coed. Physical distancing of six feet will be maintained, and a stable group/POD of no more than 14 participants will be allowed.

Sign-ups are now through Feb. 12. The cost is $100 per player. The registration fee includes a POD play t-shirt and football. Sessions will be held two times per week. Extra fee of $15 for addresses outside of Templeton CSD boundaries. $25 for addresses outside of Templeton CSD & Templeton Unified School District boundaries.

To register online, go to leaguelineup.com/trff (most recommended). You may also e-mail Recreation Assistant Ken Zink at kzink@templetoncsd.org to request a form fillable pdf. In-person sign-ups are permitted following COVID-19 requirements (masks/limited number of people in the lobby) at the Templeton Recreation Department Office located at 599 S. Main Street, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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For more information, please contact the Templeton Recreation Department at (805)434-4909.