Search Results for: San Luis Obispo County

Coping with new school year stress

A new school year, new job, new living arrangement, and even a new relationship can cause stress. For many, the fall means back to school, a return to routine, or time to begin a new term. Some view the fall as a chance to make a fresh start and an opportunity to make new friends. However, individuals with challenges such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities and depression may find transitions difficult. These transitions can be particularly challenging for individuals with mental health concerns because they can struggle with friendships, may have difficulty relating to teachers, or may experience feelings of discontent. If you have a loved one, friend, colleague, or acquaintance that is dealing with a mental health issue, there are ways you can assist with transitions. Local school officials and North County centers such as the LINK can identify available services and support youth and families to connect with needed services.

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