Summer Sizzle dates are July 13 and August 3
ATASCADERO — The City of Atascadero and the North County Farmer’s Markets are working on the third week of the Summer Sizzle Series. Plan to be out at the Sunken Gardens on Wednesday, July 13, from 3 to 6 p.m., with the last one scheduled for Aug. 3.
The Summer Sizzle event includes live music, a featured Chef providing food samples, and a complimentary recipe that includes ingredients that can be found and purchased from the farmers at the market. In addition, all of the Summer Sizzle events will include cider and wine tasting by Bristol’s Cider House and Lone Madrone Winery, which will be available for purchase. FARMstead ED will be also be on site at each event showcasing the variety of farm tours available that you can sign up for in time for summer.
Following are the dates of the remaining Summer Sizzle Schedule:
July 13
Samples & Recipes by Colony Market & Deli, cider and wine tasting by Bristol’s Cider House & Lone Madrone Winery. Entertainment by Tennessee Jimmy.
August 3
Samples & Recipes by Carndonagh Kitchen, cider and wine tasting Bristol’s Cider House & Lone Madrone Winery. Entertainment by Dulcie Taylor.
A fun way to shop for your fresh produce. After the market, take in a round of mini-golf at Mr. Putters Putt Putt and enjoy the many merchants and restaurants Downtown.
Thank you to our chefs, musicians, and adult beverage vendor for participating in our annual Farmers Market Summer Sizzle Series. When we are not having an event, the Farmers Market still takes place each Wednesday in the Sunken Gardens from 3 to 6 p.m.