By Rev. Elizabeth Rowley Hogue

Even amidst today’s challenges of conflict, division, and uncertainty, I still believe in the inherent goodness of Life. Now, more than ever, I feel called to amplify this belief and spread its message far and wide.

Ernest Holmes, a spiritual teacher whose work has deeply influenced my journey, wrote: “Stay with the One and never deviate from It, never leave It for a moment.” These words remind me that our spiritual work is to remain steadfast in Truth and rooted in love even in the most challenging times.


Last week, I faced judgment — both external and internal. Judgment can be painful to witness and even more challenging to experience. I reacted with judgment toward others, particularly those I perceived as judging me. How ironic! In trying to protect myself, I was only amplifying the very thing I wished to avoid: feeling separate.

Mother Teresa once said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Her wisdom illuminated a growing edge in my practice — choosing love over judgment, unity over division.

It’s easy to see how stress and overwhelm contribute to judgment. When stressed, our brains activate the fight-or-flight response, making us reactive and defensive. Judgment is often a byproduct of this state, but it doesn’t have to define us. We can interrupt the cycle through mindfulness and spiritual practice, choosing instead to return to love.

Ernest Holmes also reminds us: “Love is within us. It cannot be destroyed. It can be ignored. To the extent that we abandon love, we will feel it has abandoned us. Love heals, forgives, and makes whole.”

I turned to these teachings this week to release my reactions to judgment. I began by pulling judgment from those I felt judged by, repeating their names as I visualized letting go of the energy. Then, I said a prayer:

“I am an Infinite Being of light and love. I cease using my vital life force to defend or protect myself from anything or anyone. I lower my force field. I allow and invite judgment to come toward me, bringing me energy, wealth, vitality, and joy as it flows through me and returns to its original source with light and love. And so it is.”

This simple act of surrender opened my heart and brought me back to the path of Oneness. Each time I release judgment, I feel lighter, freer, and more connected to Infinite Love within.

As we walk the path of enlightenment together, we can grow, learn, and heal in every moment. Remember that the pain we feel from judgment is often the illusion of separation. By returning to love, we dissolve that illusion, rediscovering our connection to each other and Life itself.

So, when judgment arises, I invite you to pause, breathe, and say, “I raise you, and I praise you in the name of Love.” Together, we can create a world that reflects the infinite goodness of Life.

What’s your growing edge? Let’s walk this path to Oneness together.

And so it is.

Rev. Elizabeth Rowley Hogue is an independent columnist for the Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email her at