By Blake Ashley Frino-Gerl

After developing online educational programs on WebMD for doctors and their patients for 12 years, Sue Gibson decided it was time to own a business and truly give back to others. Highlighting her decision due to her dad’s dementia and finding him a place to live, she started SLG Senior Care in San Mateo County in 2014 and San Luis Obispo County in 2020.

SLG Senior Care offers senior placement for clients in search of a fitting home. She has relationships with 110 senior living homes and communities, helping her clients identify the best possible options. 

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“I do an in-depth assessment to understand the client’s profile — health issues, geographic preferences, financial situation, housing preferences, etc.,” Gibson explains. “Once I understand the full picture, I go into my database and pull 3-4 options that would be a great fit.” She gives her client a fact sheet on each home or community and then sets up a tour. They use a checklist to narrow down the best home. 

Gibson provides clients with several follow-up meetings after they move to be sure everything is going accordingly, along with a welcome gift. She assists with physician paperwork and resources like financial planners, estate planners, notaries, movers, and move managers — “I am a one-stop shop for my clients,” Gibson says.

Mainly servicing clients looking for senior living communities within SLO county, she also helps people moving elsewhere as a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) with over 300 CSA contacts nationally to partner with.

Gibson co-chairs SLO’s annual Alzheimer’s Association walk and is the District 2 representative for the Commission on Aging. She is also on the board of the California Central Coast Estate Planning Council.

“I enjoy helping families first and foremost. It brings me great joy to save them time and headaches navigating through 110 options in SLO county to find the best choice,” Gibson adds. 

SLG Senior Care

11608 Cardelina Ln, Atascadero

(415) 656-6869


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