The Printery will Light Up the Community of Atascadero as an Arts and Events Center — bringing much needed positive activities for all ages to our community.

Originally a vibrant printing plant in 1916, it also served as a community center for many years. In 2017 the Atascadero Printery Foundation purchased the building to save it, and re-purpose as a facility of many uses, including a performing arts center.

To raise funds for rehabilitation, the Foundation is offering donors an opportunity bid for the right to Light Up a Space. Once the building is refurbished, a copper plaque will hang prominently in each space in perpetuity. The plaques will acknowledge the donors’ generosity to help Bring the Printery Back to Light. Donate in your name, or honor or memorialize loved ones.

Go to to bid on the Light Up a Space opportunity

  • Full naming rights are available for some rooms, call for more information (805) 466-1961.
  • Not able to help light up an entire space? Add your name to our Light Board – one of 1000 donors of $100 or more.
  • To donate – click here or drop off your donation at 5800 El Camino Real in Atascadero and sign your name on the Board.
  • Watch for progress lighting up the board at Facebook, Atascadero Printery.

All funds raised will be used to pay off the remaining mortgage enabling the Foundation to qualify for large grants to repair the building. You will be notified of the mortgage burning ceremony after the auction. The auction will complete on December 31, 2019. The Atascadero Printery Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Thank you immensely for your support!
