Effort to rehabilitate and repurpose the Atascadero Printery building recognized by state foundation

Excerpt from CPF website:
Throughout millennia communities and cultures around the world have maintained, renewed and unearthed historic structures, recreating them in form and fashion to support the ongoing needs of the current population. In most instances, these structures retain a portion of their original purpose, redefining their objective to fit current times.

The Atascadero Printery, a 100 year old structure along California’s Central Coast, now listed in the National Register of Historic Places, stood vacant and vandalized when the Atascadero Printery Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization, formed out of an online community discussion about the building and its historic role in the development of the City, and a vital purpose for its future.

E.G. Lewis, a magazine publisher from the east, founded Atascadero in 1913, his second utopian colony, the intended home for the American Women’s Republic. Lewis’ objective was not only a completely self-sustaining colony, he based the whole community on advancing women’s rights, with all property initially in the name of the American Women’s Republic.

Read more at the CPF website

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The California Preservation Foundation (CPF) exists to ensure that the rich diversity of California’s historic resources are identified, protected and celebrated for their history and for their valuable role in California’s economy, environment and quality of life. Incorporated in 1978, CPF has grown from a small band of advocates to a statewide network of more than 20,000 members and supporters. Click here to learn how you can become a member.