With help of Boy Scout Troop #51, officers conducted a public Flag Day ceremony on Saturday, June 10
ATASCADERO — The Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks (BPOE) Atascadero Lodge #2733, with the help of Boy Scout Troop #51, conducted a public Flag Day ceremony on Saturday, June 10, which included a flag retirement and free family-friendly hot dog barbecue. The Flag Day ceremony and flag retirement is an annual event held by the Atascadero Elks Lodge that is open to the public. The event this year had a family focus that included free hot dogs, chips, watermelon, sodas, and popcorn.
“Flag Day is an important day not only for the Elks Lodge but for our community and the entire Country,” stated Atascadero Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Ronnie Maxwell. “It was wonderful to see the youth of our community who are active in Boy Scout Troop #51 display their patriotism by helping to conduct the Flag Day Ceremony and the Flag Retirement Ceremony.”

Flag Day is an Elks tradition and patriotism has characterized the BPOE since the early days of the organization. Allegiance to the flag of our country is a requirement of every member. In 1907, the BPO Elks Grand Lodge designated June 14 as Flag Day. The Grand Lodge of the Order adopted mandatory observance of the occasion by every lodge in 1911, and that requirement continues. The Elks prompted President Woodrow Wilson to recognize the order’s observance of Flag Day for its patriotic expression. But it was not until 1949, when President Harry Truman, himself a member of the Elks, made the proclamation that thereafter June 14 would be a day of national observance for the symbol of our country.
Since its inception in 1987, the Atascadero Elks have contributed over $850,000 to various programs including youth activities, local sports, programs for handicapped and needy children, patriotic programs, veterans’ programs, and many community activities. In addition, the Elks participate in drug awareness programs at our local schools and distribute dictionaries to all third-graders in the area.
The Atascadero Elks Lodge was established in the City of Atascadero on Sept. 26, 1987. Their mission: To inculcate the principles of charity, justice, brotherly love and fidelity; to recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities through benevolent programs.
Feature Image: Members of Atascadero Boy Scout Troop #51 and Atascadero Elks Lodge officers are shown after performing the Flag Day Celebration that was held at the Atascadero Elks Lodge. Contributed Photo