Register today for courses happening September 24-26
Save the date! Adapting to social distancing guidelines set in place due to Covid-19, organizers of the Central Coast Writers Conference, sponsored by Cuesta College, announced the 2020 event will take place online September 24-26, 2020.
“The show – in our case, the conference – must go on!” said CCWC Executive Director Teri Bayus. “Thanks to the determination of our award-winning staff and their dedication to helping writers at all levels achieve their goals, I am thrilled to announce we are taking our 36th annual event online.”
Named the “Best Conference in the Southwest” in 2019 by The Writer magazine, the 2020 CCWC will be held via Zoom and include five Master Classes on Thursday and 100 workshop options on Friday and Saturday. Tailored for writers of all ages and experience levels, classes include offerings in screenwriting, beginning writing, poetry, memoir, novels, nonfiction, children and young adult, and more.
Keynote speakers for the event include Christopher Moore, Jordan Rosenfeld, and Monica Piper. Scholarships are available for the Teen Program, and Finding Your Voice Program, thanks to sponsorships from Chevron and Cuesta College, with class attendees being given the opportunity to submit stories for possible publication in CCWC’s 2021 book, Connections.
“We want to make sure there is something for everyone,” said Bayus. “No matter where you are in your writing career, our goal is to welcome you and prepare you to take your writing to the next level.”
Find more information and registration forms at or contact Teri Bayus at or 805-305-0579.