The lodge held its awards night on April 21
ATASCADERO — On April 21, Atascadero Elks Lodge #2733 held a celebratory dinner where the Elks awarded citizens, officers, volunteers, and members with awards.
“These officers and volunteers, they don’t know that they’ve been chosen, so it’s a big surprise the night of the awards night,” said Exalted Ruler Susan Marple of the night’s festivities. “We also recognized our members for their years of membership with the lodge.”
The Atascadero Elks recognized Rick Terra, who owns Terra Paints in Atascadero, as the Elks Outstanding Citizen of the Year.
“He does so much for the community and helping organizations, and he’s always helped us when we’ve needed something, even at the last minute,” Marple said. “He will jump through hoops to help us with paints or improvement-type items. He’s very generous, so we thought he was most deserving.”
Past Exalted Ruler Kevin Matherly was awarded Elks Volunteer of the Year.
“Kevin will step up and help with anything,” added Marple. “Regardless of the task, you can call Kevin. He will help set the lodge; he’ll help barbecue; he’ll help you whenever you need help.”
Lodge Treasurer Kris Pimentel was awarded Elks Officer of the Year for her work over the past 12 months.
“She is our lodge treasurer, and Elks have changed our accounting system, so we had to revamp the whole accounting system,” Marple said. “It’s computerized, and she was on it. She’s very knowledgeable; it took a lot of time and effort on her part. We thought she would be the most deserving of that award.”
Linda Strickland was also acknowledged with the Outstanding Service Award, and Dan Cooper received Outstanding Member at the yearly awards ceremony.
Pins were also handed out to Elk members who attended the awards ceremony, celebrating their years of being a part of the Elks.
“We had an individual that had 55 years who wasn’t able to make it, so we awarded Years of Membership pins to members of 10 years all the way up to 55,” said Marple.
The pins were awarded to Jim Wood, 45 years; Floyd Lowe, Ken Morgan, PER, Dennis Nanninga, and Ben Mendoza Jr., 35 years; Wes Womble, 30 years; Kris Pimentel, 20 years; Warren Anderson, Michael Davido, Dennis Jaehnig, Chuck Slattery, Robert Strickland and Steve Taft, 15 years; and Kaye Bruns, 10 years.
“It’s another way of us recognizing people for their efforts and their generosity. And our members for their years of service,” added Marple about the night.
Congratulations to the Elks.