The project included Traffic Way from El Camino Real to Ardilla Avenue and more

ATASCADERO — The City of Atascadero has announced the completion of a pavement rehabilitation project for several segments of local roadway in the downtown, which include Traffic Way from El Camino Real to Ardilla Avenue; Ardilla Avenue from Traffic Way to Atascadero Avenue; and the public alleyway that runs parallel to El Camino Real, north of Traffic Way. 

Atascadero City Council members were happy to gather earlier this week to celebrate the project’s completion with an official ribbon cutting.

The project was begun by the City’s contractor, Souza Construction, in the first part of June, and was finished up right on schedule, at the end of June. Pavement rehabilitation consisted of mill and asphalt overlay with full asphalt digouts and replacement of failed sections, particularly those below the freeway overcrossing. 

Portions of the project were within the Caltrans right-of-way and impacted freeway ramp operations, so the majority of the pavement work was completed at night in order to help minimize traffic disruptions. Funding for this project was provided by a combination of Urban State Highway Account (USHA) and Local Transportation Fund (LTF) monies.

The City sincerely thanks all local residents and business owners for their patience and extra caution taken during road construction.