City approves increase to adult general admission tickets to Charles Paddock Zoo

ATASCADERO — Atascadero City Council met for a regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 14, at 6 p.m. Council started the meeting off by recognizing some City of Atascadero employees.

Employees were recognized for reaching milestones of years working for the city and their contributions. The employees recognized were:

  • Justin Camp: Wastewater treatment plant operator II, five years
  • Andrew Hawkins: Fire Engineer, five years
  • Jackson Light: Fire Engineer, five years
  • Laura-Ashley Purify: Community Services Officer, five years
  • Craig Martineau: Police Officer, five years
  • Jennifer Fanning: Recreation Supervisor, 20 years
  • Rachelle Rickard: City Manager, 25 years

Staff pulled consent item A2: March 2022 Investment Report to bring back to council on a later date. The rest of the consent agenda passed unanimously with Councilman Charles Bourbeau obstaining from item A5: 2022 Measure F-14 Pavement Rehabilitation Construction Award.

There were six public hearings held during the meeting. The first three hearings were regarding district assessments and their resolutions, including the following: Apple Valley, De Anza Estates, and Woodridge (Las Lomas) Assessment Districts. All assessments and their staff recommendations passed unanimously.

The fourth public hearing of the night was the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area (DPBIA) Confirmation of Annual Assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023.

The DPBIA is a collaborative effort with the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. Downtown Atascadero businesses are pulling together funds to promote the downtown area with events and beautification.

Atascadero Mayor Heather Moreno said, “Their goal is to make downtown and even better place to be and part of the excitement and energy we see down there — they play a big role in that.”

The DPBIA will result in the collection of approximately $12,800 and expenditure of $12,820 in budgeted DPBIA funds and passed unanimously by the council.

Council then approved the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) for confirmation of annual assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023.

The 2022-2023 assesments are expected to cost the city approximately $298,170 (or higher based on the current trend) and will be assessed as 2 percent of the rent charged on the occupied rooms and spaces for transient services.

Lastly, the council discussed amendments and additions to the fee schedule for city services. The services include everything from permitting fees to the cost of entry to the Charles Paddock Zoo.

Staff did recommend some fees be partially subsidized to encourage economic development, encourage compliance, ease the burdens of filing appeals, and/or encourage volunteerism in the community. 

Moreno suggested increasing the zoo entry fees for adults but keeping child prices the same. Bourbeau said while he is not opposed to the idea, he would rather discuss and make a decision on the zoo entry fee with a separate motion.

The fiscal impact of the fee update is unknown; however, revenues are expected to increase with the adoption of the drafted fee schedule. 

However, council ended up approving to increase general admission prices to the zoo to the following:

  • 13 and up, increase from $10 to $12
  • Seniors 65 and up, increase from $9 to $10

Children’s admission prices will remain the same.

Council unanimously adopted Draft Resolution A establishing a schedule of fees and charges for City Services, which can be viewed at

The new service fees schedule will go into effect 60 days from the adoption of the resolution.

The next city council meeting is scheduled for June 28 at 6 p.m.