The Public Hearing on Accessory Dwelling Unit Text Amendments was continued to the Oct. 25 meeting

ATASCADERO—The Atascadero City Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 6 p.m. The hybrid meeting was held in the City Council Chambers and was followed by the council’s closed session.

The evening started with the agenda passing unanimously. It should be noted that Mayor Pro Tem Heather Newsom was absent from the meeting.

Two presentations were given. The first was a proclamation declaring Oct. 9-15 as Fire Prevention Week. Councilmember Mark Dariz read the proclamation, and Atascadero Fire Chief Casey Bryson was there to accept it. 

“This is kind of a year of anniversaries too. Along with our 100 Year Anniversary as a fire department, the NFPA [National Fire Protection Association] is also celebrating 100 years of fire prevention week. So that has been a thing for 100 years, so that’s pretty neat,” added Chief Bryson when he addressed the council.

The second proclamation declared Oct. 2022 as Dating and Domestic Violence Action Month. The proclamation was read by Councilmember Susan Funk and received by the Chief Executive Officer of Lumina Alliance, Jennifer Adams.

“Lumina Alliance’s mission is to empower those impacted by sexual and intimate partner violence through innovative advocacy, healing, and prevention programs. Although we have a new name, our agency has supported our community for 45 years,” Adams stated when accepting the proclamation. “As previously mentioned, Oct. is Dating and Domestic Violence Action Month. This year we’re focusing on ensuring everyone in our community understands that they deserve happy and fulfilling relationships.”

The Consent Calendar passed unanimously.

“We will move on to our item B1, a public hearing on Accessory Dwelling Unit Text Amendments. This was originally on our agenda back on Sept. 13, and we continued the item to today, Oct. 11. There is still some work that needs to be done on this to make sure everything is just the way that we want it to be in order for council and the community to take a look at it and really dive into it and finish making decisions. So we are going to be continuing it to Oct. 25,” stated Mayor Heather Moreno.

The meeting then went back to the City Manager’s Report, where Loreli Cappel gave an Economic Development Overview. It was not an official item nor a Management Report. 

Cappel gave a Regional Update and a North County Overview and then went into some of the possible things happening in Atascadero.

The next Atascadero City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 6 p.m.