Cunningham speaks out against bill that would further delay school reopening

SACRAMENTO – Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) issued the following statement on Thursday, Feb. 25, regarding AB/SB 86, Legislative Democrats’ school plan that could result in delayed reopenings and closures of already-open schools:

“According to all the public health data available, schools can and should be open. The Governor and the California Department of Public Health have the ability, right now, to modify statewide school reopening guidance and allow any school with a safety plan that meets CDC guidelines to reopen.

“However, rather than continue to pressure the Governor to change his unilateral ruling, legislative leadership has introduced a bill that would delay reopenings in many cases to mid-April. Their bill in current form could also impede efforts already underway to open Central Coast schools, which is why the California School Boards Association and county offices of education throughout the state share serious concerns about the bill. 

“I applaud our local school districts that have reopened or made steps towards reopening quickly. I hear the concerns of our students, parents, administrators and teachers, and will continue to work towards amendments to the bill that make it more supportive of local control and reopening efforts. I will also continue to work to prioritize educators willing to return to in-person instruction for vaccinations.

“There is no more important issue in the state than getting all of our schools reopened. It is important to me as a parent of four kids in school, as a former school board member, and as your Assemblymember — to get this right. I will do my utmost to advocate for our kids and workforce to get back to class safely and for state policy that supports local efforts rather than obstructs them. As a result, I cannot support this bill in its current form.”