Board of Trustees goes over Site and Student Safety Improvements

ATASCADERO — The Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) addressed whether or not there was an update on audio and visual equipment at the school board meeting on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. The meeting took place in-person at the Kenneth Beck Building. Since August 2022, the district has remained with in-person meetings only, without a live streaming option. Both President Corinne Kuhnle and Trustee Vy Pierce were absent from the meeting.

During the Board Members’ Report segment of the meeting, Trustee Rebekah Koznek inquired about the progress regarding audio and visual equipment updates. She expressed her hope that school board meetings would be able to resume live-streaming soon, making it more accessible and transparent for the community members.

Assistant Superintendent E.J. Rossi responded to Trustee Koznek’s inquiry, informing her and the other board members that there have been no updates on the audio and visual front. 

The Trustee Board has already approved the purchase of the audio and visual equipment, and as of Tuesday, April 18, the AUSD is still waiting on two of the components to be delivered. Once they have been acquired, the audio and visual equipment will be ready for installation.

During the Oral Communications from the Public section of the meeting, various concerns were raised by teachers and parents within the AUSD community. One prominent issue raised by the kindergarten teachers was the need for additional preparation time. They emphasized the importance of having adequate time to plan and create engaging lessons, which would directly benefit the students’ learning experience. The teachers requested that the school board and administration consider reallocating resources or modifying schedules to accommodate this request, highlighting the positive impact it would have on the quality of education provided to the youngest students in the district.

Meanwhile, parents voiced their concerns about the large class sizes in the district, stating that it negatively impacts both the students and the teachers. They argued that overcrowded classrooms can lead to reduced individual attention for students, increased stress for teachers, and overall diminished learning outcomes. Parents urged the school board and administration to explore possible solutions to address the issue of class size, such as hiring additional staff, reassessing the current classroom allocation, or exploring alternative teaching models.

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Jackie Martin presented the trustee board with an informational item on Site and Student Safety Improvements. She went over plans for additional security cameras and vape detectors. The project will start in the office area and the kinder sites with the addition of three new cameras. She added that a total of 27 additional vape detectors would be divided across the secondary sites.

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Curt Eichperger then presented the board with a Public Hearing on the Initial Bargaining Proposal from AUSD to California School Employees Association, Chapter #124, for the 23-26 School Years. Eichperger was asked why the bargaining proposal covered three years, and he replied that it was the longest amount of time allowed. He added that they are working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the 2022-23 school year for employees who work less than 12 months. The motion passed unanimously.

Eichperger then presented a second Public Hearing on the Initial Bargaining Proposal from California School Employees Association, Chapter #124, to Atascadero Unified School District for the 23-26 School Years. This motion also passed unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled school board meeting took place, in person, on Tuesday, April 18, at 7 p.m.