Trustees once again debate language due to pregnancy disability leave section in Consent Agenda item

ATASCADERO — The Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) Board of Trustees met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 7 p.m. At the beginning of the meeting, the trustee board celebrated Assistant Superintendant of Business Services Jackie Martin and her 22 years serving AUSD.

“It’s such an honor to be up here tonight with Jackie [Martin] to celebrate her incredible career in Atascadero and ineducation,” said Superintendant Tom Butler from the podium. “Thirty-four years supporting districts in this county and 22 years in Atascadero Unified. Pretty amazing.” 

Martin’s family, the AUSD business staff, and her dog, Buttons, were all there to be a part of the festivities.


“When it comes to personalities, you can’t get better. I mean, you can see it right here. We’re talking about a lovely person, incredibly talented, super loyal, as you can see to everybody she works with and her family,” Butler added.”You just have so much fun working together, doing things, and thinking about others. The needs of others in the district. So, when it comes to personality, you can’t beat Jackie. That’s a fact.”

Martin had a short stint with AUSD in 1999, and in 2003 she was recruited back to be the AUSD director of business services. In 2006, she was promoted to her current position, which is where she has stayed until her retirement. Martin is looking forward to spending time with her family and Buttons, glamping, fishing, and quilting. In fact, many of the trustee board requested quilts from Martin at the end of the comments of thanks they shared with her.

The trustee board expressed thanks to Martin for explaining the AUSD budget clearly, being someone they could trust and learn from, and keeping the district in an amazing financial position all these years. They also expressed that they didn’t know what they were going to do without her.

“No more meetings for Jackie Martin,” stated President Terri Switzer as Martin left the building with her family and friends.

During the Consent Agenda, trustee Vy Pierce pulled item 11.5, which covers Family Care and Medical Leave. The item was a hot topic of discussion at the Sept. 17 meeting, and when the item did not pass, it was included in this week’s agenda. After the prior meeting, the item was pulled to replace the wording of the employee with a woman and other female-identifying language in the pregnancy disability leave section of the policy. Pierce posed questions about the California School Boards Association (CSBA) and why they proposed that the policy now read employee instead of female-identifying wording. 

“Talking to CSBA about what language they would recommend. They would recommend employee, specifically, and that’s just information for all seven of you to consider,” stated Butler in response. “In addition, I talked to Lozano Smith. They specifically said that some of the language they were using was to protect the district from any risk related to possible discrimination or even perceived or the appearance of discrimination. Lozano Smith would recommend the term employee.”

After another debate between the trustee board it was decided that the AUSD policy will now read “an employee and or woman.” The motion passed with a majority vote. Switzer and trustee Matt Pennon both voted no.

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Kendyl Darnell then addressed the board with a Measure B update. 

“This November, voters will have the opportunity to vote on Measure B, which is a general obligation bond proposal that promises to transform our AUSD schools and provide significant benefits for our students and to the community,” Darnell said. “If approved, Measure B will generate $110 million for AUSD funding a variety of essential projects designed to enhance educational opportunities and campus facilities.”

The district has been working to make sure that Atascadero voters are well-informed about the measure, and they have published informational articles in local media and will be doing more in the future. Butler and Assistant Superintendant of Educational Services E.J. Rossi have also been meeting with community leaders and community organizations as well. Community members will also be receiving mail on the measure.

To find out more about Measure B, you can go to the district’s website here,

The next regularly scheduled AUSD Board of Trustees meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m.