Templeton Middle School celebrates two of its employees as Employee of the Month

TEMPLETON — The Templeton Unified School District (TUSD) met for its regularly scheduled open-session trustee meeting on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 6:15 p.m. The meeting proceeded the 6 p.m. closed session.

The evening’s Order of Business was approved unanimously.

Templeton Middle School was there to celebrate two of its staff as Employee of the Month. Site Secretary Frances Miller and eighth-grade English language arts teacher Kaitlyn Zak were honored with the title. 

The trustee board accepted a donation from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for $1,000 to the football team at the high school. 

The meeting moved on to a School Site Department Presentation on the Annual School Health Report. The report was given by Templeton Credentialed School Nurse Amber Sorrentino. In her presentation, Sorrentino talked about what school health teams do on campus, as well as COVID-19 protocols and school health screenings. 

“I’ve said it before; I think our nurses have been just … they’ve more than met the bar in terms of getting us through with the procedures that were changing constantly — staying on top of everything, keeping us in compliance, and keeping us safe. And I have a really strong appreciation for the school nurses,” stated Trustee President Nelson Yamagata.

In his Superintendent Report, Aaron Asplund stated that the trustee board would have a 40 percent turnover when the final results are in. The results of the election will be solidified on Dec. 8. Janel Armet and Jennifer Grinager are currently in the lead to take the two trustee seats up for re-election.

The Consent Agenda items 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 passed unanimously with Yamagata pulling item 3. Item 3: Approval of Contracts, Memorandums of Understanding, Acceptance of Grants was then discussed. The item is for PBSI training for school staff. The item passed.

Director of Special Education Dr. Joe Ledoux gave a presentation on a resolution to declare Dec. 2 National Special Education Day to recognize special education teachers for their hard work. The resolution passed.

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Ian Trejo gave a Homework Efficiency Report.

Asplund addressed the board on the Annual Report of Developer Fees for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year and Five Year Accounting of Developer Fees. The motion passed with Yamagata asking that the developer fees be shared with the community and discussed for transparency.

The next regular trustee meeting will be held on Dec. 15 at 6:15 p.m.