SAN LUIS OBISPO — At roughly 1:50 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 13, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Deputies responded to a report of a home invasion robbery that occurred at a home in the 1700 block of O’Connor Way in rural San Luis Obispo.

On Sunday, Feb. 14, a suspect was identified through the course of the investigation. The Sheriff’s Forensic Specialists and Investigators with the Major Crimes Unit identified 38-year-old Johnny Jesse Roman, Jr., of San Luis Obispo as the suspect in this case.

Roman is believed to have entered the home of an elderly female and stole cash from the residence, and then stole the victim’s truck.

The vehicle is a gold 2006 Chevy Silverado with a license plate number of 8Z85747.

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An arrest warrant has been issued for Roman. If you see this vehicle or the suspect, do not attempt to make contact and immediately call 911.

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2006 Chevy Silverado with a license plate number of 8Z85747

Roman has a distinctive rose tattoo on his face. An arrest warrant was issued for Roman.

Roman File Photo Sheriff
38-year-old Johnny Jesse Roman, Jr

If you see this vehicle or the suspect, do not attempt to make contact and immediately call 911. If anyone has any information about Roman’s whereabouts contact the Sheriff’s Office at (805)781-4550.