SLO Regional Rideshare offers the community resources to ride safely

SAN LUIS OBISPO — The San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 9 a.m. Items 20 and 21 were pulled from the consent agenda for a separate vote. The remaining items were approved with a 5-0 vote. Item 20 and 21 were both passed with separate votes 5-0.

Item 27 was a presentation from SLO Regional Rideshare. Peter Williamson from the San Luis Obispo Council of Government talked about the programs such as safe routes for schools. SLOCOG has a confidence quiz to test your knowledge of biking, and winners are entered to win a ziplining ticket. You can find the quiz at

Item 29 was an update on state legislative activities. The highlight of the update was the significant funding brought to broadband to build out the network to provide high-speed internet across California; a need that has been present but was highlighted due to the pandemic. Currently, there is about $6 billion in funds available across California. Public health was one sector that did not receive any funding, but a promise of funds in 2022-23 was made.


Item 30 was a hearing to consider an appeal by the Center for Biological Diversity of the Planning Commission’s approval of a request by Sentinel Peak Resources California LLC to install the final 31 oil wells of the 95 approved wells.

Both sides discussed their views and discussed the procedure of implementing the wells, how they run, and the functions that they provide, as well as the potential health hazards and public noise nuisance created. One large topic focused on was the water usage and the water being returned back into streams. It was discussed that the water in this field was not usable on its own but rather through the process of removing the oil and treating the water with reverse osmosis this water can at least be used in the streams and sustain the wildlife there.

Supervisor Dawn Ortiz-Legg summarized the topic, stating that on the Board, she is the most active in fighting for clean energy, but that until we as consumers stop using the petroleum being created, the solution cannot be to immediately stop and remove the production. She commented that the regulations that California faces are some of the highest and as such there are institutions in place to monitor and regulate the emissions. “For me to uphold the appeal would be disingenuous because what’s happened here is we’re demonstrating regulatory process and monitoring to reduce emissions, which is what’s supposed to happen… they are part of our institutional knowledge.” Ortiz-Legg implored everyone to listen to the knowledge of these institutions, whether they are from the left or the right, and to ask questions when needed to keep the processes transparent. She then went on to express thanks for the appeal since it brought forward and dismissed the discussion of the wasted water.

The motion to accept staff’s decision to deny the appeal was made by Supervisor Ortiz-Legg and seconded by Chairperson Lynn Compton. The motion passed 4-1, with Supervisor Bruce Gibson in opposition.

The Board went to closed session with nothing to report. The next meeting of the Supervisors will be available on the website when it becomes available:,-Agendas-and-Minutes.aspx