TEMPLETON — On Friday, Feb. 12, Templeton parents and students rallied on Main Street to get their students back in school.

Roughly 45 community members showed up to show their support for schools re-opening.

One parent of a Templeton High School senior, Sheree Sagely, said, “We’re just really trying to mainly let the school board know, and California know that we need to get the kids back in school.”

With San Luis Obispo County on the verge of moving into the Red Tier, parents say they have yet to hear of a plan to get secondary students back to in-person or hybrid learning.


“We feel like it’s lingering, and no one has a plan. Every time they give us a date, it just moves on to another date because of something else, and we feel that our kids are suffering,” said Sagely.

Parents want a plan to get students back to campus as soon as a week after the county enters Red Tier.

There is a concern for students who play sports won’t have a chance to earn scholarships or be recruited. Parents are also concerned for all students regarding their social skills and mental health.

Templeton parents are planning to let the school board hear their voices. They feel it is time a plan is made, and there is a lack of effort from the district to get students back on campus.

“We need to know that you guys are fighting for our kids. Whether it’s just showing effort or calling every single senior that’s in our school system right now in Templeton and just saying listen, we want to know that you’re okay’,” said Sagely. “We’re going to keep the pressure on.”

On Thursday, Feb 11, the TUSD School Board of Trustees met and planned on scheduling a special session to discuss the re-opening.

According to Sagely, this will not be the last rally to open the schools. Parents plan to keep pushing and fighting for their students.

Templeton High Let them Play
Templeton parents and students rallied on Main Street to get their students back in school. Photos by Nic Mattson