Homecoming is of course about football, but it is about a lot more. The focus of THS Homecoming Week is to bring the students and the community together. Throughout the week, there were activities taking place to build school spirit, to continue long-running traditions, to make memories and of course Friday night’s football game. At Templeton High, we love Homecoming Week.

Students and faculty show their spirit by participating in dress-up days and spirit contests. We wore pajamas on Tuesday, dressed wacky on Wednesday, Twin’d on Thursday and on Fridays we always “Wear Green”. We faced off against each other in lunch-time activities like “Trike Races.”

Our junior girls faced off against senior girls in this year’s Puff Ball Championship — a game of kickball under the lights that was played Wednesday night. And while the competition was fierce there were a lot of laughs and a lot of fun times for both sides.

We honored all of our Fall teams and announced our nominations for homecoming court to kick off the week at our opening rally and then named our homecoming royalty at Thursday’s Homecoming Pageant.  

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Friday we held our Homecoming Parade (whose theme was Board Games) with our award-winning band, our first place football team and cheer and 10 floats traveling past Templeton Middle School and Templeton Elementary and then down Main Street to cheers from our community. This year’s winning float, Rockem’ Sockem’ Robots was created by the THS Link Crew, with second place, Hungry, Hungry, Hippos, going to our Sophomores and third place, Mousetrap going to Friday Night Live, a club that focuses on drug and alcohol awareness.

Several of our football players and cheerleaders traveled out to Vineyard Elementary to talk with them about character and determination as well as personally inviting them to join in the festivities at the game and become part of the human tunnel that welcomes in our football players at the beginning of the game.

At halftime of Friday’s football game against Santa Maria, we announced our Homecoming King and Queen — Evan Asplund and Ashley Lewis — to the cheers of the crowd. The Eagles won 53-10.

And Saturday night, students danced under the stars at this year’s Homecoming Dance.

Two rallies, a Puff Ball Game, a parade, a dance, grade-level competitions, selecting a royal court, four spirit days, a tailgate, a football game, and a halftime show — it was a busy week. But that is what THS Homecoming Week is all about.

• Story and photos provided by Templeton High School