ATASCADERO — On July 2 at about 4 p.m. firefighters arrived to a vegetation fire adjacent to 10205 Morro Road. Residents fo the nearby home reported the fire. 

Upon arrival, Cal Fire Engine 50 reported approximately 1/3 acre of grass and brush burning along the roadside at a moderate rate of spread. Responding agencies included Cal Fire, Paso Robles Fire & Emergency Services, Templeton Fire & Emergency Services, and Atascadero State Hospital Fire. The fire was suppressed, controlled, and confined without incident. Damage was limited to private property fence posts. No injuries were reported.

The fire occurred while multiple units were still on the scene of a residential structure fire. Cal Fire Engine 50 was covering the city for additional incidents and was able to respond for assistance. Homeowners and bystanders helped suppress the fire prior to arrival with garden hoses. It took about 58 minutes for the fire to be contained. The cause of the fire is still undetermined. However, it is known that the fire began on the roadside.