SAN LUIS OBISPO – On Sunday, the Welcome Home Military Hero’s organization announced on their Facebook page that San Luis Obispo County Deputy Nicholas Dreyfus would be released from the treatment center and returning home.
Deputy Dreyfus was shot in the face during the Active Shooter incident that occurred in early June. Dreyfus was transported by air to a trauma treatment facility outside the area where he had undergone several procedures. The last update released from the San Luis County Sherriff was from Dreyfus’s wife, Tyler, stating that the Deputy remained in critical care. The doctors were providing very positive feedback regarding his current condition and prognosis remained optimistic for a positive outcome.
Nearly nineteen days later, escorted by several law enforcement officers, Deputy Dreyfus was greeted by dozens of local residents who formed a “flag line” on the Vineyard Drive bridge in Templeton.
Waving flags and posters along with two large banners, the crowd cheered as the sirens and parade of law enforcement vehicles drove by welcoming the wounded deputy home.
Dreyfus was one of four law enforcement officers wounded in the two-day manhunt that left one local resident, James Harding Watson, dead at the hand of the shooter Mason Lira. Lira was shot and killed by law enforcement after a shootout as he attempted to evade capture. All the other officers are healing and on the road to recovery.
On July 12, a drive-thru barbeque fundraiser is being held in support of Deputy Dreyfus. Hosted by Roosters Firearms and Benevedo’s Country Style BBQ & Catering in support with the San Luis County Sheriff’s department. The fundraiser will be offering a tri-tip meal that you can pre-order and pick up in the parking lot of Roosters in Templeton. All proceeds will go directly to Deputy Dreyfus and his family.
Deputy Dreyfus, 28, is assigned to the North County Sheriff’s Station in Templeton and has worked for the Sheriff’s Office for nearly two years.

Photos courtesy of County Supervisor John Peschong, Protect Atascadero and the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department.